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Forum des Halles, Paris, France

Camera: Mamiya 645AF     Lens: Mamiya Sekor ULD 4.5/105-210mm AF     Film: Agfa RS50     Date: 31.05.1991

Forum des Halles, Paris, France

In the 12th century, “Les Halles” was originally a dry goods market on the outskirts of Paris. In 1183 King Philip II built the original two halls (to protect the textiles) and a wall around the market. Food stalls soon grew up around the main buildings and by the fifteenth century food prices in Paris were set at Les Halles. Over time, an increasing number of halls were built explicitly for food, but the colourful ambience once associated with the bustling area of merchant stalls disappeared in 1971, when Les Halles was dismantled. Today, the site is used as a multi-story shopping centre with over 150 shops, restaurants, cinemas etc. on 75,000m2 and more than 40 million visitors yearly.